What if someone comes in to pay my company/club? Do you charge commission?

When someone we have worked with comes into the club to pay rather than paying us, we do indeed charge commission on the amount paid, since the work was done, and the member returned at least to pay, if not to reinstate. If for some reason we have not worked the file at all, we’ll close it out without commission charged.

If a consumer pays me directly, where can send an update?

You can email our team at – several people monitor that email, so it will be seen quickly.

What do you need to report someone to the credit bureaus?

Their full name, address and contact information.

  • A birthdate OR a SSN/SIN number
  • The amount of the debt
  •  The date the debt was incurred (the date of the first unpaid invoice/month


 It is illegal for us to call a minor, or contact them in any way regarding a debt. If you have a guarantor over age 18 who signed on their behalf and contact information for them, you may list the guarantor.


When you receive your monthly inventory, you will see a status next to each name. It’s a brief status, so here is the list of definitions to give you a better idea of what is happening with each file: 

  • In Progress – file has been entered into the database, a letter of representation has been printed/mailed, and a receivables manager has been assigned the file.
  • Paid in Full – the member has paid the full balance.
  • Partial Payment – member has paid part of the balance
  • Payment Arrangements – member has made arrangements to pay on specific dates, and a specific amount
  • Promise Payment – member has promised to pay, but payment is still pending
  • Member Reinstatement – equivalent to a settlement or file closure, but allows us to accept a partial payment (with agreement from club or client) and return the debtor to member in good standing by paying just their arrears, instead of the full contract.
  • Settlement– With agreement from our client, the member has settled their debt with less than the original monies owed. (But has not returned as a member or client.)
  • Trace – the contact information for the debtor is no longer valid. (ie, phone disconnected email bouncing)
  • Avoids Contact – The member is avoiding contact, though we know they have received messages
  • Uncooperative – Anything from refusing to pay, hanging up, offering to pay in goats or cows, threats, etc… it covers a wide range.
  • File on Hold – used only when we are waiting on something like documentation, or debtor has asked for a reprieve in order to get affairs in order
  • Deployed– used for military personnel only in active deployment, likely unable to be in contact
  • Deceased – member has died. In this case we will attempt to collect from the estate if it is possible, but most often the file is simply closed.
I have not seen any returns in some time. What’s up with that?

Populations and demographics change. Usually within the first 6 months to a year, we’ll collect the vast majority of payments that will be possible to collect. There are always stragglers, but collections is a business based on a limited resource. Ideally, we’ll collect everything we can, and if no new files come to us, it’s a win because it means your regular members are paying regularly and not going into collections! Regular listing of delinquent files when they reach 90 days is also a good way to keep up regular payments coming in. Most files are “fresh” within two years, and the older they are, the harder they become to collect.

It’s also important to leave older files on the bureau until they expire naturally (7 years in the US, 6 in Canada) since circumstances might change and members who previously did not have any money may find a better situation and be able to take care of the debt.

A healthy liquidation rate for a Portfolio is 10%, and we generally score higher than that for the majority. Exceptions apply when the Portfolio contains a large number of Listed in Error, Trace, or Settled accounts.

Can I add your collection fees on top of the balance owed?

No. When hiring a collection agency, it is not legally allowed to add the commission rate of the collection agency to the amount that the debtor owes. If your contract states there will be an administration fee and/or interest on a delinquent account, and the amounts are clearly stated, those fees can be applied and enforced.  

Can I call my delinquent members after sending them to you?

No. Some exceptions may apply, but we are legally limited as to how many times a week we can attempt to contact a delinquent file, and if you are doing so as well, it could put both Kingston and your club at risk to be sued for harassment. Once a file has been turned over to us, please do not attempt to contact the consumer unless they call you first.

What should I do if I close/sell my business?


Let your collection agency know immediately, and have a plan for what you would like to do with the files. We can continue collection until the debt expiration date (6-7 years) but we would still need updated contact information for you so we can be in touch about individuals, settlements and other events. Closing files entirely is also an option, if you do not wish to continue to pursue.


In the case of selling a club to a new owner, there are generally 2 options:

  1. Keep the files, and allow the new owner to start fresh from the date of sale.
  2. Pass the files forward to the new owner.

Either one is a legitimate plan, though we would need to be informed of the arrangement in the sale, to ensure remitted funds/invoices are applied to the correct owner. We are happy to advise to aid in a smooth transition in regards to collection claims.

Will I be kept up to date on progress?

Once a month we sent an email with your inventory listed. Any changes in the status of a file will be listed there. If anyone is listed in error and should not be on your inventory, it is important to let us know at within a few days of receiving the inventory.

How will I receive payments?

At the end of each month, we total up all payments received for you over the course of the month, and send it to you by ACH/EFT or cheque before the 15th of the following month, less commission and HST. You will receive a detailed statement with the payment, showing each payment and who it came from.

What if a consumer claims bankruptcy?

Please inform us immediately. You should receive a request for proof of debt from the Trustee. Upon receipt, fill it out and return it to them as quickly as possible, so you can receive at least some percentage of the payout as part of the bankruptcy proceedings. Ideally send us a copy as well, so we have it on record.

What if I have additional questions?

Please call us at 888-908-3151 or email us at


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